Sunday, January 10, 2010

How To Hook Up Wii To A Denon Receiver How Can I Upconvert A Nintendo Wii To High Definition?

How can I upconvert a Nintendo Wii to high definition? - how to hook up wii to a denon receiver

Is it possible that I play my Wii in HD? I know that he was forced to run 480p, I am not satisfied. Today, I get so ago, 3808-Denon receiver, so I will be the Wii via Component connection. I like a Zelda game 1080p upconverted. Thank you!


MR. KRATOS said...

Wii refers only to 480p. If you get a PS3 for individuals as graphics!

geek_gir... said...

You can not, in fact - the quality of the graphics are simply not in the vicinity of high Wii. There simply is not enough density in the production of visual data in order to really good, 480p. Maybe we can split the points recently, but that does not particularly clarify the picture.

geek_gir... said...

You can not, in fact - the quality of the graphics are simply not in the vicinity of high Wii. There simply is not enough density in the production of visual data in order to really good, 480p. Maybe we can split the points recently, but that does not particularly clarify the picture.

Dwayne Reed said...

Not angry, but the Wii controls will end on your cards to the player with the motion sensitive

If the HD graphics are really important, you should see a PS3 or X-Box 360

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